Sunday, May 2, 2010

Things are growing!

For starters, here are some lovely tulips that were growing in the patio:

Here is the bed I was working on when I made my last update. I've planted carrot seeds, onion sets, swiss chard, and broccoli in it.

Here was my solution (?) for sprouting tomato seeds without a greenhouse. I used an old fish tank that we had sitting in the basement, with some plexiglass sitting on the top and weighed down to keep from blowing off. Unfortunately, we had a chilly, rainy spell shortly after I set them outside, and they haven't sprouted yet even though they've been there for about a week now. I'm not sure if they've been killed or if they'll come up eventually.

Today I finished creating the fourth bed. This will be planted with tomatoes and herbs. I also planted a second crop of carrots. The first crop was planted a week ago, and still no sign of emerging. :(  Carrots can take awhile to come up, though. The new strawberries are doing very well, and a few of them even have flower buds.

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