Friday, May 28, 2010

So much to do!

Peonies have bloomed! They are probably my favorite flower. I love their fragrance!

Chives are flowering, too.

Seven garden beds finished. Still a long ways to go, hope to have it done by September, lol.

My tomato transplants from Seed Saver's Exchange arrived, and I planted them inside cages. Looks like I ordered them just in time, too, because they're sold out now. I've also planted a few of the tomato seedlings that I started. They're so tiny, I hope we'll have tomatoes by October?

Tomato, basil, and lettuce seedlings. I have since transplanted the lettuce into a pot.

Strawberries just started producing fruit, and they are delicious!

My bed of sunflowers sprouted on the 24th! They've grown a lot since then, too. Unfortunately, they were being nibbled on by tiny little mites, which destroyed one of them, and took chunks out of a few others. However, their rapid growth seems to be outstripping the pace of the damage. I re-seeded in a few spots to replace the ones that didn't sprout or got eaten.

Kentucky Wonder pole beans have sprouted!

Swiss chard and broccoli do NOT like the hot sun! They wilt during the day, and perk up again at night, even though I keep them well watered. The broccoli is still forming buds, though!

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