Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I started some lettuce seeds on Monday, and they began sprouting this morning, just two days later! I've also decided not to plant the lettuce in the main garden, because I think it'll be too sunny and warm for them. I dug up a bed for them today in the old garden, which is cool and shady. Wow, what a lot of work just for a little plot! Typical new england soil, with lots and lots of rocks to remove. I added a little compost, raked it smooth, watered it, and maybe tomorrow I'll start some lettuce seeds directly in the bed.

Following some advice I read on a forum, I recently trimmed my onion seedlings down to about 4 inches, and they look a lot happier. They were all flopped over before, but now they're standing upright again.

Here's another crocus picture for your enjoyment:

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