Monday, July 26, 2010


So I think I've figured out what's chewing on my sunflowers and tearing their leaves to shreds. I believe I've got a weevil infestation. I noticed some damage to a ripening flowerhead, so I poked around in it a little, and a tiny little beetle-ish thing crawled out. Ugh. Now to figure out how to get rid of them before they ruin all the seeds...

STILL no ripe tomatoes! But at least there aren't any more hornworms, yet. Deer ate all the swiss chard over the weekend while I was gone camping. Oh well, I don't like swiss chard anyway! Onions might be ready to harvest soon.

Next on the agenda: finish double digging the last two beds, and get my fall crop seeds started. I also need to order some cover crop seeds.

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