Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last frost date!!!

 My last frost date was yesterday, so planting season is now in full swing. Unfortunately I still only have 5 beds finished!! So I have lots of things to plant, but nowhere to plant them.

The first strawberry!!!! This is in the old strawberry patch, which is already in need of major weeding.

Beautiful bleeding heart flowers growing on the side of the lawn.

Rhododendrons are coming out!

The plants in this bed get bigger every week. The carrot seedlings are popping up, and I planted beets in here yesterday.

This bed will house sweet potatoes and lima beans. The black sheet helps to warm up the soil, which sweet potatoes like a lot.

Here's how everything looks so far...

My lettuce patch.

Big happy rhubarb plant, growing next to the compost pile. This plant has been here for as long as I can remember, even after it got rototilled once by accident.

Pretty chives, coming into bloom.

A little nasturtium volunteer, sprouting where last years nasturtiums were.

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