Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My new mini "greenhouse." I used the instructions in this video.
This is my seed starting contraption. Yes, it's a mess. The three lights and fan are on a timer. A few weeks ago this was completely full of seedlings, but most of them have been moved to the greenhouse or planted.

Tomatoes, marigolds, and cosmos in the greenhouse.

Kale, carrots, spinach, turnips, and broccoli.

Some yummy looking lettuce. Amish Deer Tongue and Forellenschluss varieties.

I never got around to thinning the strawberry bed. Hopefully they'll still be ok.

Cabbage, onions, radishes, chamomile, and broccoli. I should probably thin the radishes again.

Garlic and shallots. Wish I'd ordered a lot more garlic!

The squash bed (with no squash yet) and peas. The Amish Snaps are doing ok, the Sugar Snap sprout rate was abysmal.

We are in the process of putting up a deer fence.

I thought this was pretty with all the mist.

I also put some lettuce on the porch.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thinking Spring (no, really)

I started some onion and parsley seeds in my basement today! My seed starting set up this year is hopefully going to work much better than last years. I bought two 4 foot long shop lights and bulbs at Home Depot and hung them from the ceiling with some twine. I already had a large wood table down there, I just had to clear all the boxes of stuff off it. I've placed the newly seeded trays on top of the freezer for extra warmth since I don't want to spend money on a heat mat. Photos to come.

Learning experience so far this year: don't ever order from Burpee again. Park Seed has all the same products and then some, for less money and cheaper shipping.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So the garden is buried under two feet of snow and ice, and I've just ordered seeds for 2011. Here's what I got:

From Baker Creek:
 Echinacea Purpurea Coneflower
Autumn Beauty - Sunflower
Persian Red Love-in-a-Mist
Sunset Flower Milkweed
Old Spice Mix Sweet Pea
Scarlet Runner Bean
Ball's Improved Orange - Calendula
Birdhouse Gourd
Musquee De Provence Pumpkin
Roma Tomato
Brandywine Tomato
Early Scarlet Globe Radish
Strawberry Popcorn
Bleu of Solaise Leek
Yellow of Parma Onion

From Burpee
Zinnia, Queen Red Lime
Tomato, Sun Gold Hybrid
Rudbeckia Hirta Moroccan Sun Mix
Verbena, Bonariensis
Monarda, Bergamo
Butterfly Bush, Butterfly Hybrid Mix
Tomato, Early Girl Hybrid
Shallots, Dutch Yellow:

In addition to all this, I also bought some seeds at the store where I work, and I have tons of leftover from last year. I wonder where it's all going to fit in the garden? Lots of flowers this year for my new butterfly/flower garden.